Amateur Radio

NanoVNA vs. N1201SA low cost antenna analyzer compared

N1201SA Specifications

Manufacturer: Accuracy Agility Instrument
Model: N1201SA
Working frequency: 137.5 MHz – 2700 MHz
Frequency stepping: 1 kHz
Display: 2.4″ TFT 320×240 (QVGA)
Build in battery: 2000 mAh
Power consumption: <1.5 W Charging current: 400 mA Charging port: USB Weight: 250g Automatic shutdown: set in range 5-60 min Measured parameters: resistance (R), reactance (X), standing weve ratio (VSWR), S11 Resolution: 4 significant digits Frequency accuracy: < +/- 3ppm Antenna connector: SMA-K Measurement range: Impedance: 0.1 – 1000 Ohm Standing wave: 1.000 – 65 S11 (dB): od 0dB do -60dB

nanoVNA Specifications

Basic performance:
PCB: 54mm x 85.5mm x 11mm (excluding connectors and switches)
Measurement frequency: 50KHz ~ 300MHz (50KHz – 900MHz, with extended firmware enabled)
RF output: – 13 DBM (max. – 9 dbm)
Frequency accuracy: <0.5 ppm Measurement range: 70dB (50kHz-300MHz), 50dB (300M-600MHz), 40dB (600M-900MHz) with extended firmware enabled; Port SWR: < 1.1 Display: 2.8 inch TFT (320 x 240) USB interface: USB type-C communication mode: CDC (serial) Power supply: USB 5V 120mA, built-in 400mAh battery, maximum charging current 0.8A Number of Scanning Points: 101 (Fixed) Display Tracking: 4, Mark: 4, Settings Save: 5 Measuring S parameters, VSWR, phase, delay, Smith circle chart and it supports touchtones files which can be exported for various radio design and simulation software.

The package also includes a set of calibration kit SOL for (short, open and load) calibration, the calibration kit is not included on N1201SA but it is pre-calibrated at the factory. Calibration for N1201SA takes time to complete but it is just a snap on nanoVNA. The included calibration kit for the nanoVNA can also be used to calibrate the N1201SA so that’s a bonus point for the nanoVNA.

For the actual testing I’ve used an antenna a 3 element yagi for 2m designed for the amateur band as device under test (DUT). I conducted the test sweeping the frequency from 140 to 150Mhz, taking note of SWR response, S11 and impedance measurement on the exact center frequency.

Side by side the read out against each other is on point, the discrepancy is just because of the decimal point resolution from the two antenna analyzers 2 decimal digit resolution on nanoVNA and 3 decimal digit for N1201SA.
Feature wise and overall usefulness nanoVNA is much complete against the N1201SA. Read out is on point on both devices.

Crap, I called the NanoVNA as N1201SA ha ha!, but anyway don’t be confused 🙂 enjoy!

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