To those people following my facebook page, this website and sending me a private message asking for the measurements, as promised – though it took a while, the diagram is finally out. Similar build instructions and materials are used same as my previous antenna builds.
Material list for building a 7 Elements 2m VHF Yagi
1. 1″ X 0.5″ Rectangular Aluminum tubing for the boom
2. 3/8″ Aluminum tubing for antenna elements
3. 1cm Outside diameter antenna tubing for elements holder
4. 1pc SO239 connector
5. Pop rivets / Rivet tool
6. #12 AWG Copper wire with insulation (12″for Gamma match)
7. Soldering iron
8. 14pcs Stainless steel nuts and bolts 20mm length 3mm diameter
9. 1pc, Butterfly nut and 1 bolt 18mm length 3mm diameter
10. Aluminum plate 0.5mm thickness
11. Collapsible tube (shrinkable tubes)
Cut the materials according the the measurements here:
Download the PDF Document here
Antenna pattern simulation using 4 Nec 2
Horizontal pattern
Vertical pattern
Combined pattern / approximate gain / beam width
7 Elements yagi configured in vertical 2 stacked antenna tuning video (frequency response) using N1201SA antenna analyzer
The same antenna configuration frequency response and calibration is confirmed using NanoVNA antenna analyzer
So what gamma match to use on this build?
You can use the gamma match measurements that I used on 4 Elements Yagi build. You can follow this link to see the gamma match diagram:
So that’s it, I hoping that it will help you somehow in building your own 7 elements yagi antenna. If you found this post interesting please consider subscribing on my youtube channel or follow me on my facebook page Cheers and 73!