Build your KPG46 Cable
After referencing several schematics for Kenwood programming cable, I found out that the IC commonly use is a MAX232 which requires a 5V power supply to operate. This requirement is fine when using old desktop computer which normally has a parallel printer port and a serial connector. For most modern computers the printer ports are usually replaced with a much efficient less complicated wiring USB connectors.
Since I am using a laptop with no parallel and serial interface, I need to have a cable that can be plugged to my USB port. So I came across a datasheet for CH340, which can be used as a substitute for MAX232 ic.
CH340 Datasheet
Download the PDF Document here
Looking around I really don’t need to build it from scratch (sourcing the IC and components), it’s readily available on most online shops. So to make my life easier I just bought one for this project.
So looking back at the schematics for KPG-46, we just need to use the RXD, TXD, and GND pin when using the CH340 interface. One caveat, some of the available board for the ready made CH340 USB UART chip have wrong label for the TXD, and RXD pin, but no worries we just need to reverse the TXD and RXD pin to make it work like in my case.
So I happily make two programming interface one for HT (Works fine with China Radios) and for Kenwood TK-8102H
Programming interface for Kenwood , Baofeng HT Pinout
And another one for the device that I need to program Kenwood TK-8102H
To make it work we need to install the driver for this chip CH34x_Windows Driver
When installed properly you’ll find it on your device manager in Windows under the Ports (COM& LPT) labelled USB-SERIAL CH340 and the com port where it’s accessible.
Video from screen recording while reading the Kenwood TK-8102H
Reading the Baofeng UV-5R (aka Cignus UV85).
Video from screen recording while reading the Baofeng UV-5R