The Yagi-Uda antenna, commonly known as the Yagi, was invented in 1926 by by Dr. H. Yagi and Shintaro Uda. Its configuration normally consists of a number of directors and reflectors that enhance radiation in one direction when properly arranged on supporting structure.
The results of the measurements carried out in this study are presented in graphical form. They are intended to provide a simple means of designing a Yagi antenna of practical dimensions with maximum gain for the configuration under consideration. The purpose of these tests was to determine the following:
a. Effect of reflector spacing on the gain of a dipole antenna
b. Effect of different equal length directors, their spacing and number on realizable gain.
c. Effect of different diameters and lengths of directors on realizable gain.
d. Effect of the size of a supporting boom on the optimum length of parasitic elements.
e. Effect of spacing and stacking of antennas on gain.
f. Measured radiation patterns of different Yagi configurations