Warning: This update procedure doesn’t work anymore with the latest versions of NanoVNA – this is applicable only to old versions of NanoVNA check your firmware version and update it with applicable versions.
Firmware updating warning: If you came to this article via search engine or from my youtube channel, the method for flashing the DFU firmware remains the same when on Linux computers, however for Windows 10 the method described here doesn’t work anymore with DfuSE software, instead you need to download STM32 Cube Programmer which replaces DfuSE and you need to use hex and bin file to update your nanoVNA. Be careful in flashing firmware on current releases if your nanoVNA board version is old (i.e 2018 – 2019 board releases with firmware made from those dates) as it will render your nanoVNA unusable or noisy. The quick fix is to restore it with your old firmware if you have one. If not your nanoVNA will be unusable until old firmware is restored.
The advantage of nanoVNA being open source is that people in the community are building software and firmware that are both feature rich and useful for the community of users. The nanoVNA uses STM32 micro controllers 32bit arm cortex MCUs. Loading a new firmware on the nanoVNA requires DfuSE software to load the DFU firmware available for download on the creator of the device Github pages, a quick search on google will let you download the software that we need to use in programming the nanoVNA device. I’ll put the software that I used here accessible on my Google Drive however it is advisable to get the files directly from nanoVNA creators pages as those are most up to date.
Steps in updating the firmware.
Install the device drivers for the NanoVNA so that it can be detected by the DfuSE programming software.
When the device driver is not properly installed the software will not detect the NanoVNA.
A properly installed driver will enable the programming software to detect the NanoVNA device automatically.
Finally put the NanoVNA in DFU mode and start changing the NanoVNA firmware. Short the terminal marked as BOOT and VDD on the NanoVNA, connect the device on one empty USB port and turn on the device. This will activate DFU mode and the device is ready for programming.
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What about Mac O.S. users? Out of luck?
I hope this helps you in your quest >>> https://nt7s.com/2019/11/updating-the-nanovna-firmware/